School Supply List
Items NOT included in supply pack: backpack (no wheels) and an oversized art shirt (new or used, label with child's name).
No labeling necessary; we will do this at school.
Quantity | Item |
24 | #2 pencils (sharpened) |
1 | box of 12 pack colored pencils |
4 | boxes of 24 count crayons |
2 | boxes of regular markers |
2 | box slim line markers |
2 | highlighters (any color) |
2 | 4 pack dry erase markers thick black |
1 | watercolor paint sets |
2 | permanent black markers |
1 | big pink eraser |
1 | pair of scissors |
2 | bottle of glue |
8 | large glue sticks |
2 | solid color plastic folder with brads (1 purple & 1 blue) |
1 | purple folder with brads for PE |
2 | box of tissues |
1 | gallon ziploc bags |
1 | set of headphones (no earbuds) - labeled |
1 | roll of paper towels (Last name A-L) |
1 | sandwich Ziploc bags (Last name A-L) |
1 | packs of Post-its (Last name M-Z) |
1 | Container Clorox/Lysol Wipes (Last name M-Z) |
First Grade
Quantity | Item |
8 | large glue sticks |
3 | wide-ruled composition notebooks |
4 | plastic 2 pocket folders - NO brads |
2 | box of tissues |
1 | pair headphones (No earbuds) labeled |
1 | box Gallon Size Ziploc bags (Girls) |
1 | container Clorox/Lysol Wipes (Boys) |
48 | #2 pencils (sharpened) |
4 | boxes of 24 count crayons |
4 | boxes of regular markers |
10 | thin black Expo dry erase markers |
1 | large pink erasers - optional |
1 | plastic school box (no larger than 5 x 8) |
1 | pair scissors |
Second Grade
Quantity | Item |
24 | #2 pencils (sharpened) |
2 | boxes of 24 count crayons |
2 | boxes of washable markers (unscented/not thin) |
8 | thick dry erase markers - black |
2 | fine point black Sharpie |
1 | plastic school box (no larger than 5 x 8) |
1 | pair scissors |
2 | large glue sticks |
1 | wide-ruled spiral notebook |
5 | plastic 2 pocket folders (red/green/blue/purple/yellow) |
2 | post its note pads |
2 | boxes of tissues |
1 | headphones (no earbuds) labeled |
1 | roll of paper towels (BOYS) |
1 | box ziplock gallon bags (BOYS) |
1 | box of ziplock sandwich bags (GIRLS) |
1 | hand sanitizer (GIRLS) |
Third Grade
Quantity | Item |
24 | #2 pencils (sharpened) or mechanical |
1 | box of 24 count colored pencils |
1 | box of 24 count crayons |
2 | box of washable markers |
2 | highlighters (different colors) |
4 | bullet tip dry erase markers (black) |
1 | black sharpie |
2 | flair pens (any color) |
1 | plastic school box (no larger than 5 x 8) |
1 | pair scissors |
8 | glue sticks |
1 | wooden ruler (inches and cm) |
4 | pocket folders (1 of each color: red, green, blue, purple) |
1 | plastic 2-pocket folder - yellow |
1 | 1/2-inch white Clearview 3-ring binder |
1 | package of page protectors |
2 | multi color packs sticky notes (3 x 3 size) |
1 | set headphones or earbuds (labeled) |
2 | box sandwich size ziploc bags (BOYS) |
2 | rolls paper towels (BOYS) |
2 | boxes of tissue (GIRLS) |
2 | box gallon size ziploc bags (GIRLS) |
Fourth Grade
Quantity | Item |
48 | #2 sharpened pencils |
1 | box of 24 count colored pencils |
1 | box of 24 count crayons |
1 | box of washable markers |
4 | highlighters (multi-color) |
8 | dry erase markers (any color) |
1 | permanent black marker |
1 | red pen |
2 | large rubber eraser |
1 | heavy duty large pencil pouches |
1 | pair scissors |
2 | large glue sticks |
2 | packs of 3x5 index cards |
2 | composition notebooks |
4 | 70 count wide-ruled spiral notebooks |
6 | heavy duty plastic two pocket folder without brads |
2 | heavy duty plastic two pocket folder with brads |
1 | 1/2 inch white Clearview 3-ring binder |
1 | set of 6 tab dividers |
2 | pads 3x3 sticky notes (any color) |
1 | hand sanitizer |
2 | large boxes of tissues |
1 | set of earbuds or headphones labeled |
1 | box gallon size Ziploc bags |
1 | 1-inch binder, any color (Strings students only) |
Fifth Grade
Quantity | Item |
1 | box of 12 count colored pencils |
1 | box of 24 count crayons |
1 | box of washable markers |
2 | highlighters (any color) |
1 | pack of dry erase markers (any color) |
2 | ballpoint pens (any color) |
1 | black Sharpie |
1 | white eraser |
1 | package of white pencil cap erasers |
1 | heavy duty large pencil pouch |
1 | pair scissors |
2 | large glue sticks |
1 | ruler with 12 inches & cm. (no foldable rulers) |
4 | spiral notebooks wide-rule |
4 | plastic folder no brads |
2 | plastic folders with brads |
1 | 1-inch white Clearview 3-ring binder (all students) |
1 | package of dividers |
1 | package of sheet protectors |
1 | 3x3 package of sticky notes (any color) |
3 | large boxes of tissues |
1 | headphones or earbuds labeled |
1 | box gallon size Ziploc bags |
1 | box quart size Ziploc bags |
1 | 1-inch white clearview 3-ring binder (Strings students only) |
Please do not bring a zipper binder.